Mystery Treasure In Jersey.
The World's Largest Celtic Hoard
Wreckwatch Magazine,
Spring 2025
When Julius Caesar & Rome marched into nothern France in the Gallic Wars, the Celtic world was at risk of extinction. The year was 54 BC.
Daring warriors & priests from the Coriosolitae tribe sailed across the English Channel. On the hilltop of Le Câtillon in southeast Jersey in the Channel Islands they buried their riches.
This special issue of Wreckwatch magazine shares the excitement of how Reg Mead and Richard Miles spent 30 years chasing a long-lost treasure and hit the jackpot: a king’s ransom
of 70,000 silver coins, 11 gold torques and jewellery. The metal detectorists
and team of expert archaeologists, conservators and geophysicists who dug, stabilised and are researching the largest Celtic hoard in the world now share their story.
Subscribe below for your free copy.

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The Wreckwatch Pirates Festival
Lock up yer shiny stuff.. Wreckwatch's Pirates Festival is here. Stories, interviews & exclusives about the golden age of piracy.
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Wreckwatch Magazine is Free....
Thanks to our amazing partners and supporters, we're making Wreckwatch mag free to everyone. This special issue partners with the Highlands Foundation in Jersey, as well as Allen Exploration. Just fill in the form below to get open access. Dive in and escape...
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